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Olive oil and autumn products fair

Comune di Coriano

Events may be subject to change, always contact the organisers before going to the venue.

Market exhibition of agro-sylvo-pastoral products and typical handicrafts. The event features debates and conferences, exhibitions on Romagna's rural civilisation, oil and wine tastings, typical food stands with typical autumn dishes, some of ancient origin, Romagna wine and extra virgin olive oil stands, folk music, Romagna storytellers, popular games, space for children and improvisations.

The event takes place in the historic centre of Coriano. During the two Sundays, the town is full of fragrances and carefully selected products: local olives, extra virgin olive oil, truffles, mushrooms, new wine, honey and its derivatives, Fossa cheese, natural and macrobiotic products, fruit, plants, flowers and handicrafts.

­ free